Pips 'n Chicks Auctions
Pips 'n Chicks has put together a place for poultry breeders to sell premium birds. We vet all listings for accuracy and value for the bidders and help sellers get a good price for their animals without complicating it with fees and hidden percentages. Our goal is to provide a straightforward, high-quality auction platform that inspires confidence in both breeders and buyers.
Current Auctions:
See the current and upcoming auctions consigned. All items will ship within five business days of the auction close, and all buyers must pay within 48 hours of winning the auction. See the full list of terms and conditions here. Auctions will start in sets on the first of each month, and go until the day of the seller's choosing.
Don't see a listing for the type, breed, or variety of bird you're looking for? Let us know here, and we'll try to get one in the next set.
Have other thoughts, feedback, or suggestions for the platform? We want to know!
February Auction Set is LIVE!
Seller of The Month: Five Point Feathers Farm
Consignments for the Next Auction Sets:
Close 2/27/25 at 17:00 CST.
January Auction Report can be found here.
Meet some of the Sellers
Here are some of our top and trusted sellers