This is Day Seven of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other posts here.
Back to ducks with two Cayugas. (Sorry for the late post, this week is hectic with exams)
Cayugas, like almost every single domestic duck outside of Muscovys, originated from mallards. Though they were similar to English Black Ducks, it is believed to be one of the few duck breeds that originated in the US. Their black feathering and black eggs are what they are most known for, and these medium-weight ducks are usually bred for exhibition.
Choose the best of the two to advance as Best of Breed and let's hear your reasonings below! As always, the top few comments here and on FB will be posted with the results.
Thank you to Austin Noah for providing images of his breeders!
Here is a better picture of Romeo showing no white feather to clear up the confusion