2022 Virtual Show
All images send in will be posted here as the judges place them. Comments for the images can be found by expanding the image-- these are directly from the judges. Pictures without the main watermark can be emailed to the participants upon request!
If your bird made it to Champion Row, please send pictures with the awards for the Champion Row gallery!
Feedback form for this year's show:
These birds have won awards ranging from Champion of Class up to Champion Overall Show in Youth or Open show, any category, and will recieve certificates, plaques, and other awards.

Youth Waterfowl
Judged by Izzy Dietzler

Really nice body type and coloring! I dont see anything that really stands out that I can critique.

I really like this birds body type and coloring! The only thing I can critique is the feathers under the tail are a bit brighter in coloring than I would like.

Would Like a slightly lower wing set, also maybe a bit fuller in the overall body structure.

Really nice body type and coloring! I dont see anything that really stands out that I can critique.
Medium Weight

Cayuga: Grand Champion Medium Really nice looking bird, wish I could see the tail slightly better.

Blue Swedish: Reserve Champ Medium + Best Of Breed Nice body type. Has a few stray black feathers and I would like a bit more lacing.

Blue Swedish: 7th In Class Overall body coloring is light with minimal to no lacing. I cant see this birds head so I cant say much more.

Cayuga: Grand Champion Medium Really nice looking bird, wish I could see the tail slightly better.

Welsh Harlequin Hen: Champion Light Beautiful body type! Beautiful Coloring! Only thing I would critique is the lack of a distinct frost white collar on the neck. Really nice looking bird!

Welsh Harlequin Hen: Champion Light Beautiful body type! Beautiful Coloring! Only thing I would critique is the lack of a distinct frost white collar on the neck. Really nice looking bird!

Pekin: Reserve Champ Youth Waterfowl + Champion Heavy Really nice body type! The only thing I could critique about this bird is he could have a slightly larger breast, but overall a really nice looking Pekin.

A bit too much white in the wings. Can't tell what the tail angle is like since the picture was taken while the tail was moving. Could have placed higher if I knew what the tail angle was actually like.

Pekin: Reserve Champ Youth Waterfowl + Champion Heavy Really nice body type! The only thing I could critique about this bird is he could have a slightly larger breast, but overall a really nice looking Pekin.
Youth Bantam
Judged by Ben McMeeken with the help of Keaton Flanders

To start, this bird carries its wings tight along its sides, it has a nice broad head and skull, and has a closely folded, short tail. A few things it lacked today was that this bird carried her head fairly low and I would like to see it carried more erect and higher. She also is conditioned nicely in the front, but lacks a little conditioning in the back due to the frayed feathers in her wing tips. There is also few other small details that I noticed, but overall a very nice representation.

This birds best represented the class of polish during the junior show. She has a very nice crown, carries her wins tight by her side, and has nice body structure. She does, however, lack in conditioning as she has many frayed ends on her feathers. Frizzles can be hard to keep conditioned, so they require lots of attention. She also does carry her tail a little high and should be around 40 degrees ish.

This is a Largefowl Black Ameraucana. If I were to judge her as a largefowl, she has a very nice beard/muffs and carries her wings very well. One thing that could use improvement is her tail and breast. It is kinda hard to see her breast but in my opinion it is a little flat and could be more full (could be just the photo angle as well). The tail could be a little better conditioned because some of the feathers are frayed and she carries it a little lower than 45 degrees.

To start, this bird carries its wings tight along its sides, it has a nice broad head and skull, and has a closely folded, short tail. A few things it lacked today was that this bird carried her head fairly low and I would like to see it carried more erect and higher. She also is conditioned nicely in the front, but lacks a little conditioning in the back due to the frayed feathers in her wing tips. There is also few other small details that I noticed, but overall a very nice representation.

This is an outstanding hen that in my opinion fits the leghorn standard almost perfectly. She caught my eye right away when I first saw her. She has a great carry of her tail that is very broad and shows off her tail fan. She also carries well from head to toe and has outstanding conditioning. She also has the classic leghorn comb that falls to the side. My only improvement to this hen is her leg color. I would love to see a brighter yellow in her shanks and toes. Otherwise, an amazing bird.

This is a great bird to be at the top of the Plymouth Rock class. He has a very nice breast that carries well toward his tail; he is very well conditioned, and he definitely presented himself well when this photo was taken. My only minor flaws I saw on this bird was his comb. I would like to see more defined points on his comb as at the front they are fairly small.

I placed this bird here because unfortunately she had a hard class of Rhode islands ahead of her. She definitely represents the breed well however she does not have the same body structure as the ones ahead of her. She could be a little more filled out and would love to see a higher tail carry for her.

This is an outstanding hen that in my opinion fits the leghorn standard almost perfectly. She caught my eye right away when I first saw her. She has a great carry of her tail that is very broad and shows off her tail fan. She also carries well from head to toe and has outstanding conditioning. She also has the classic leghorn comb that falls to the side. My only improvement to this hen is her leg color. I would love to see a brighter yellow in her shanks and toes. Otherwise, an amazing bird.

This bird caught my eye right away when I saw it. She has a very nice breast carry that is high and forward, she hold her wings very nicely on her sides, has a very nice comb that is square in front and points up in back, and carries her tail very nicely. She also has a very impressive tail spread that caught my eye. The only thing that I would touch up on this bird is the shortness of her back. In my opinion, I think that her back could be a bit shorter. Overall, this is a wonderful bird.

Everything about this bird comes together very well, and he has very few flaws in him. He carries his breast very nicely and has very good condition. Also, this male has a nice square comb in front that follows the skull very nicely. The only thing I notice that I personally would like to see in this male is a bit higher carry of the tail. Otherwise, a very nice wyandotte male to be at the top of this breed class.

Disqualification for RCCL Unfortunately, this is a Standard Silver Laced Wyandotte. It is a nice bird that would have some potential if it was placed in the correct class of American. She does look like she came from hatchery stock as her comb is not the type you would see out of exhibition quality birds. Also, she does not have the same size as an exhibition quality wyandotte. Otherwise, this is a nice looking bird.

This bird caught my eye right away when I saw it. She has a very nice breast carry that is high and forward, she hold her wings very nicely on her sides, has a very nice comb that is square in front and points up in back, and carries her tail very nicely. She also has a very impressive tail spread that caught my eye. The only thing that I would touch up on this bird is the shortness of her back. In my opinion, I think that her back could be a bit shorter. Overall, this is a wonderful bird.

This bird however is a very nice representation of the breed and has very few faults. She carries her tail very well, has a nice full breast that is carried moderately high, and she is very well conditioned. She also has very nice coloring in both her covert tail feathers and main tail feathers. The only part that I could change on this bird is the size of her comb. I believe it is slightly on the large side and could be a little smaller. Otherwise this is an outstanding bird.

I placed her 2nd due to some minor details in her color. This bird has a nice body structure, carries her tail well, and has very nice conditioning. He faults showed through looking at the color of her breast and her tail feathers. In her breast, I would like to see more of the orange/salmon color on her chest. As for her tail feathers, her top main tail feather lacks some grey stippling like her wing color. Otherwise, this is a very solid representation of the breed.

This bird to start, carries its head and chest very well and has nice conditioning throughout the bird. In my opinion, I believe he carries his wings a little lower than what I prefer and I wish he showed off his tail spread just a little bit more. He holds his tail feathers fairly tight in the back. As for his coloring, I wish he had a more defined red wing bow and and a more prominent red saddle as in both places, it starts to fade with the rest of his darker feathers. 6th OEGB

This bird however is a very nice representation of the breed and has very few faults. She carries her tail very well, has a nice full breast that is carried moderately high, and she is very well conditioned. She also has very nice coloring in both her covert tail feathers and main tail feathers. The only part that I could change on this bird is the size of her comb. I believe it is slightly on the large side and could be a little smaller. Otherwise this is an outstanding bird.

3rd Overall Bantam Champion Feather Legged Bantam Champion Cochin 1st Place in Black Cochin Class: This bird definitely caught my eye and has very nice type/body to him. He carries his tail very nicely and keeps his wings tight to his sides. I like the face and skull to this bird. Overall, this male really wanted to present himself at this show and is deserving of the top spot.

Reserve Champion Feather Legged Champion D'uccle 1st Place in MF D'uccle Class: This bird is very well put together all the way through her body. She has nice pattern, nice body type and structure, a nice tail carry that is moderately high. Some minor things that could be improved is her comb. I'd like to see more defined points on the comb. Otherwise, a very nice bird to be at the top of the class.

1st Place in Booted Bantam Class: You don't very often see this breed at shows but it is nice to see some new breeds being raised. This breed is a nice representation of the Booted Bantam She carries her head and breast nice and high and forward and has a nice comb on her head. She could use some improve conditioning in her tail. I would like to see her tail carried a little higher as she carries it lower than what the standard calls for.

3rd Overall Bantam Champion Feather Legged Bantam Champion Cochin 1st Place in Black Cochin Class: This bird definitely caught my eye and has very nice type/body to him. He carries his tail very nicely and keeps his wings tight to his sides. I like the face and skull to this bird. Overall, this male really wanted to present himself at this show and is deserving of the top spot.
Open Bantam
Judged by Elizabeth Wilson

BEST OF VARIETY Good head, comb, condition is immaculate, excellent tail and beautiful overall shape of body. I love the wonderful heart-shaped silhouette of this bird.

1st Female Best of Breed D'anver

BEST OF VARIETY Good head, comb, condition is immaculate, excellent tail and beautiful overall shape of body. I love the wonderful heart-shaped silhouette of this bird.

1st female AOB Best of Breed Champion SCCL

1st Rock female Best of Breed RESERVE SCCL

3rd Male

1st female AOB Best of Breed Champion SCCL

1st AOV Female Best AOV Best of Breed: Cochin Champion Featherleg Reserve Champion Bantam

3rd AOB Featherleg

1st AOV Female Best AOV Best of Breed: Cochin Champion Featherleg Reserve Champion Bantam

1st male AOV Best Old English Reserve Champion Game

Great conditioning on these two Birchen males, but they are a bit big and lack station. Maybe try using treats to train them to pose better, and breed them to your smallest females and keep the smallest (and typiest) offspring, and I bet you'll have a great line of Moderns in the future!


1st Cornish Female Best of Breed Champion AOCCL

1st Cornish Male Reserve of Breed Reserve AOCCL

1st Cornish Female Best of Breed Champion AOCCL
Youth Largefowl
Judged by Jada Spiegel

1st Wyandotte. Excellent type, but has some silver in the breast.

1st Plymouth Rock Perfect type and color, but not a great picture.

Welsummer, wrong class, DQ

1st Wyandotte. Excellent type, but has some silver in the breast.

Good type and color, too bad her beard was picked on.

Needs a more globular crest and higher tail.

1st Marans. Wings held too high. Not enough Marans for BOB, did not place top 5 overall.

Good type and color, too bad her beard was picked on.

1st White Face black Spanish. Wings carried too low, has a good face.

2nd White Faced black Spanish. Wings carried too low but good type and head. Shorter overall than the top pick.

1st Ancona. Good bird but needs more time.

1st White Face black Spanish. Wings carried too low, has a good face.

Rich, beautiful coloring. Great type.

First AOV Orpington, 2nd overall Orpington, 2nd Overall English. Good type and color. Coarse wattles, frozen comb.

Approaches squirrel tail. Did not place top 5

Rich, beautiful coloring. Great type.

1st Cochin, Champion Asiatic. Excellent type and good color, though he lacks lacing

2nd Cochin. Excellent type and color, could use more tail.

2nd Brahma. Color and type are not as good as the first. Not enough Brahmas for Best of Breed, did not place top 5 in class

1st Cochin, Champion Asiatic. Excellent type and good color, though he lacks lacing
All Other Standard Breeds

Could use more breast but very representative of Ameraucana type and good coloring.

Better breast but poorer head and beard than my first choice

DQ non standard breed

Could use more breast but very representative of Ameraucana type and good coloring.
Open Largefowl
Judged by Elizabeth Wilson





Pretty neat color! And this bird still has great breed type, so there was no real sacrifice of breed character to get a cool color. Great job!


Welsummer Hen 15 months

Pretty neat color! And this bird still has great breed type, so there was no real sacrifice of breed character to get a cool color. Great job!

Love the tail of this bird

1st male Reserve American

Barred Rock

Love the tail of this bird


1st Female- very nice RESERVE ENGLISH

3rd male- production type


1st female, Best of Breed RESERVE CHAMPION ASIATIC


All Other Standard Breeds

1st female BOV BOB Champion AOSB Champion Large Fowl

2nd Female Reserve of Variety Reserve of Breed Reserve AOSB


1st female BOV BOB Champion AOSB Champion Large Fowl
Open Quail
Judged by Katya Galley, Klaus Marshall, and Breanna Patz
Any/all feedback given is from Breanna Patz
Rosetta -Klaus

This is the oldest and most mature bird out of the class. Coloration indicates homo. or het. Fawn Sparkly-- not considered right now as it is the first show, but would be a disqualification in future shows.

Likely molting, needs more time to mature.

Beak looks a bit odd, could be slightly warped. Either way it is longer than recommended. -- Katya

This is the oldest and most mature bird out of the class. Coloration indicates homo. or het. Fawn Sparkly-- not considered right now as it is the first show, but would be a disqualification in future shows.


Champion AOD 1st Sparkly This bird is stunning. Her conformation is very, very good. Her back is even, her breast is round. Her legs are well set and her posture is alert. Her conditioning is wonderful, and her coloration is extremely even and uniform. I wish she'd tighten her feathers up a touch, especially in her breast, and her toenails need to be trimmed, but overall a very impressive hen.

2nd AOD 2nd Sparkly This bird really draws the eye in-- it was a hard pick between first and second. It's conformation is excellent, with the right amount of slope to the back. It has a bit more breast than the 1st place, but has a little too much leg for me today. I'd like to see the color just a touch more even on the breast and parallel lines evident on the back, but overall just a beautiful bird.

5th place Any other Color The coloration and condition on this bird is excellent, but structurally this bird was the weakest of the class. It has a very lean, narrow look, from the neck down. It just needs a bit more breast on it to offset that look and a bit more curve to the back.

Champion AOD 1st Sparkly This bird is stunning. Her conformation is very, very good. Her back is even, her breast is round. Her legs are well set and her posture is alert. Her conditioning is wonderful, and her coloration is extremely even and uniform. I wish she'd tighten her feathers up a touch, especially in her breast, and her toenails need to be trimmed, but overall a very impressive hen.

Not fully feathered out yet, needs more time to mature to place higher.

Not fully feathered out yet, needs more time to mature to place higher.

Katya for top 3, Breanna for the rest

This hen has lovely conformation. A good breast profile, smooth back, tight feathers that show her meat and profile well. Her coloration and conditioning are spot on as well, though wings could be a bit fuller. I like the curve to the beak that shows width as well and prevents it from being too narrow.

This bird has great coloration all around. Nice and heavy "v" marks on the back, a very bold and well-defined chinstrap. Her feet are set almost perfectly in the front picture, very parallel and straight toes. Conditioning is perfect and you can see the meat on the breast. Without a good upright picture to really judge profile, I can't put this bird in first though.

8th Italian This bird has some wonderful attributes, but unfortunately isn't clean Fawn. I believe this bird is Het. Pansy as well due to the this black "splotches" on the back not being clean "v" marks. This is what pushes the bird to the bottom of the class.

This hen has lovely conformation. A good breast profile, smooth back, tight feathers that show her meat and profile well. Her coloration and conditioning are spot on as well, though wings could be a bit fuller. I like the curve to the beak that shows width as well and prevents it from being too narrow.