These are the comments and results of Day Twenty-Six of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts. All of the participant comments are available on our FB page and previous posts here.
Breanna's Comments:
I think this was honestly one of the easier pairings. The cochin easily took the win here. She just is more mature, better filled out and better colored (which, to be fair, black is a much easier color to achieve than buff). She's got the bowl shape, she has the width to her skull, she has the breast and overall size that a largefowl cochin should have. She's not without her faults, but overall fits the standard description very well.
The buff orp on the other hand just isn't as cilled out yet as he should be. The breed, while still needing the laying aspect, should be meaty and big on top of it, and though he has the size and structure to support that, the breast meat just isn't there and he falls a bit flat today. These heavy breeds are known for taking one, two, even three years to achieve their optimal type, and being a young cock he just needs the time that the cochin already had to gain that weight. His color is a bit light, though whether that's because of the actual feather color and quality or just because of the overall light lighting, I can't fully tell. I'd love to get my hands on him to see his undercolor properly.
For these reasons, the Cochin places first for me and takes the Champion Largefowl title.
Top Participant Evaluations:
"I had neither one of these on in my bracket but I would choose LFC30 to win this one. I love her head width, broad breast and size overall. BOM45 loos like he need to fill out more in the breast."
-Nadia Konesko
"Largefowl Cochin wins it for me. The Buff male is lacking in top line and bottom line, his color is almost lemon and very two toned, overall he lacks any balance. The LF Cochin wins this round."
-Blake Bell
"Cochin wins out due to better depth and more even coloring."
-Jada Spiegel
"Cochin...all over better bird...body width and depth..color..wide skull...pretty good tail...
The male, buff is not an even color..his chest is not deep at all which is important for an orpington...needs more depth overall to his body and tail."
-Emmy Lineweaver
Breeder Comments:
Judge's Evaluations:
"Pair 2 here has the largefowl cochin take Champion Largefowl!" Judge Brian Decker
Congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer Bryant for taking Champion Largefowl in this bracket!