This is Day Five of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts.
Back to the Bantams! Definitely a more familiar species for most, though today's pairing is a bit rarer than the breeds we've seen so far. Australorps, or Australian Orpingtons, are fairly well known as largefowl, but not common in bantam form. This is not the only single-comb, clean-legged (SCCL) bird in the bracket, so this pairing is just for Best of Breed. No best of variety exists due to this being the only color of bantam Australrop. Choose the best of the two to advance in the bracket and let's hear your reasonings below! As always, the top few comments here and on FB will be posted with the results.
Thank you to Zachary Wrzesinski for providing images of his breeders!